Test Results

Test Results

Blood, Stool & Urine Test Results

We will contact you only if a result is abnormal and you require treatment or further investigations. If you wish to enquire about the results of your blood tests please contact us in the afternoon or access the result via your online services.

Please note not all test results are available through online services. Also, adults' results will not be given to anyone other than the patient, except in exceptional circumstances.

Results are normally available:

after 2 - 3 days for blood results

after 3 - 5 days for urine test results

after 5 - 7 days for stool test results

Did you know, you can now access some of your test results (such as blood results) through online services? For more information please visit our patient record page.


X-Ray, MRI, CT Scans & Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) Results

For the results of X-rays, MRIs, CT scans as well as NCS, we will contact you regardless of your results. Typically, we will send you a letter with our doctors' comments and clinical advice:

 after 3 - 4 weeks from the procedure

If you have not received our letter after this period, please contact us to chase it up for you. 


What is a referral?

Many healthcare procedures require us to refer you to another organisation in order to have them done. Referrals are required for X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, Nerve Conduction Studies etc. They can also be required to see a specialist. 

When do I need a referral?

Our doctors and/or ANPs will determine whether there is clinical need for you to be referred to another healthcare organisation. This is usually determined during a consultation with them.

What do I need to do for a referral?

Our clinicians will initiate the referral process and we will email the referral which gets added to EACH (an appointment programme). EACH will then contact you (the patient) via phone or letter to arrange an appointment. They will offer a choice of hospital and give an indiciation of waiting times. To contact you to make an appointment, it can take EACH up to:

8 weeks for X-ray

4 weeks for MRI 

4 - 6 weeks for NCS

6 weeks for Ultrasound Scan

However, due to the impact of Covid-19, these timescales may be longer. Please note, we have little control over organising your hospital appointment and you will be contacted directly by EACH to organise it.


What is an X-ray?

An X-ray is a widely used diagnostic test to examine the inside of the body. X-rays are a very effective way of detecting problems with bones, such as fractures. They can also often identify problems with soft tissue, such as pneumonia or breast cancer.

What normally happens during an X-ray?

If you have an X-ray, you will be asked to lie on a table or stand against a surface so that the part of your body being X-rayed is between the X-ray tube and the photographic plate.

Who normally conducts the X-ray?

An X-ray is usually carried out by a radiographer, a healthcare professional who specialises in using imaging technology, such as X-rays and ultrasound scanners.

You can find out more about x-ray tests, how they are performed, their function and the risks by visiting the NHS website.

Hospital Queries

Do you have a query following a hospital visit?

Do you want to know the result of a test done at the hospital?

Do you have a query about timing of a hospital appointment?

Do you have a question about medication started in outpatients?


We have received many concerns and queries like these from our patients. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to be able to help with these questions. The Lincolnshire LMC advises the best way to get an answer for these questions is to contact the hospital directly:


Contact the consultant's secretary

The number and email should be available on the hospital website, or on hospital correspondence.

Call outpatient appointments

ULHT: 01522 573200 / NLAG: via online portal only

Call the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Boston: 01205 446243